Washington Post: We Need More Humanities Majors

Washington Post: We Need More Humanities Majors

By Christian Madsbjerg and Mikkel B. Rasmussen

It has become oddly fashionable to look down on the humanities over the last few decades. Today’s students are being told that studying the classics of English literature, the history of the twentieth century, or the ethics of privacy are a fun but useless luxury. To best prioritize our scarce education resources, we ought instead to focus on technical subjects such as math and engineering.

This short-term market logic doesn’t work across the thirty-or-so-year horizon of a full career. A generation ago, lawyers made more money than investment bankers. Today, we have too many law graduates (though there appears to be data to support it’s still worth the money) and the investment banks complain about a lack of talent. It is basically impossible to project that sort of thing into the far future.

Read the full article on The Washington Post here.

[Banner image by Patrick Tomasso, via Unsplash]


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