What’s Going on with Strategic Research In Big Tech?
Our paper at EPIC 2024 on a strategic orientation ethnographers can use to apply their unique capabilities in the shifting business landscape.
Stepping out of the corporate comfort zone in medical care
Zlatko Rihter (CEO at Mölnlyck) speaks to Martin Gronemann about trusting the ethnographic process, embracing a customer-oriented approach, and uniting the worlds of business and social sciences to build strategy.
Understanding Vaccine Acceptance in Kenya: Postcards from the Field with James Mumbo
An inside look at our research in Kenya on the intersection between trust and COVID-19 vaccines.
How to Talk to QAnon Loved Ones This Thanksgiving
In this article for Slate, the authors provide lessons learned from original ethnographic research of QAnon ‘formers’.
Putting the ‘Social’ Back in ‘Social Science’ Research
In this EPIC blog, Mikkel Krenchel makes the case for businesses to see their communities and make sense of their social worlds.
‘Stability’: Dissecting Banking’s Next Big Bet
As banks took to increase profit by introducing digital self-services, some of these tactics may also weaken existing relationships with customers.
The Routledge Companion to Anthropology and Business: Contextual Analytics
Building contextually informed algorithms requires collaboration between human science and data science teams who are willing to extend their frame of reference beyond their core skill areas.
Tools For Ethnographic Teamwork
New Danish textbook out with contribution from ReD Associates on tools for doing fieldwork in teams.
Fieldnotes As A Social Practice
Elevating And Innovating Fieldnotes In Applied Ethnography, Using A Collaborative Online Tool As A Case Study. Presented at the EPIC conference 2015 in Sao Paulo.
Observing China Through Real People: An Ethnographer's Notes from the Field
A ReD partner recounts his meeting with a man who has lived through China’s enormous transformation.
‘Out Of The Labs’: The Role for Ethnography in Guiding Clinical Trials
With the new reality of pharmaceutical R&D, companies must deliver impact and value. This paper explores how ethnographic research can fill that role in early stages of pharmaceutical clinical trials.
Disease Is Not Just Physical
How understanding the social, psychological, and emotional experience of psoriasis is fueling the pharmaceutical industry.
Creating Successful Products for Patients And Health Care Professionals
ReD facilitated Coloplast’s transition to compliance with a more micro-level approach to innovation.
Suzhi Kids
With China’s modernization, parents are caught between new and traditional ways of parenting, and the truism that Chinese children don’t play or have fun is being challenged.
Deep Listening
“Deep listening means dwelling long enough at the unfamiliar, until something jumps out as meaningful”
MedTech Views: The Surprising Truth About Succeeding With Innovation
ReD helped Coloplast understand a key insight about its users: that not all bodies are shaped the same.