Ethnography for the AI Age: How to Get Started
As people flock to the fields of 'responsible AI,’ ‘AI ethics,’ and ‘AI governance’ that are all about shaping AI towards what is helpful for humanity, it is time we ask: where are the ethnographers and applied anthropologists?
Building a Growth Engine by Balancing Soft and Hard
A conversation with the CEO of Karo on how he made his healthcare company more human-centric.
‘Stability’: Dissecting Banking’s Next Big Bet
As banks took to increase profit by introducing digital self-services, some of these tactics may also weaken existing relationships with customers.
Fast Company: Thanks, Robots! Now These Four Non-Tech Job Skills Are In Demand
The more we rely on robots, AI, and machine learning, the clearer it is how much we need social scientists and humanities experts–not the reverse.
The Telegraph: Bitcoin’s Value is Driven by Human Emotion, Not Code
Bitcoin, like any currency, is really just an expression of mutual trust in cultural norms and practices, which makes the humanities relevant in understanding them.
Financial News: Banks Are Missing The Human Touch
ReD conducted an anthropological study to answer the simple question: how do people relate to their money?
Dialogue: The Brand Is Dead. Long Live The Brand
Consumers seek tools for constructing their own individual outlook within a variety of lifestyles, pointing to a new paradigm of branding: ‘platform’ brands.
Silicon Valley Needs To Get Schooled
People shouldn’t forgo books and great art in order to code. In a tech-driven society, they should do the opposite.
Quartz: An Ethnographer Has A New Explanation For Donald Trump’s Support In Small-Town America
Trump tapped into rural America’s community-first structures and values, as well its individualistic and personal dynamics of everyday social interaction.
What Science Can’t Explain
Advances in neuroscience and fMRI (magnetic resonance imaging) technology are giving researchers an unprecedented look into the chemical and neurological functioning of the brain.
MedDevice: Five Keys To Designing Medical Devices For Life Beyond Clinical Trials
More life sciences companies should build their R&D on the unmet needs of patients in real world contexts.
Quartz: How the American middle class lost its taste for mindless consumerism
More and cheaper are no longer better. The middle class is more concerned with quality and experience.
Business Insider: The idea that AI can 'read' the emotions on your face is profoundly flawed
At the heart of affective computing are three misguided ideas about what human emotions are. How Brands Can Identify The Moments That Matter Most To Customers
In our current era of real-time marketing, how can brands identify the moments that matter most for their customers?
Megacities In Emerging Markets: The Car As The New Living Room
As megacities are in developing countries with rapidly growing middle classes, more and more people will experience the thrill of owning their own car.
The Best Wearables Will Be The Ones You Throw Away
When developers in wearables put less focus on creating long-term relationships with users, they can deliver more meaningful value to users in the moment.
What Makes People Donate Money?
Through ethnographic research of families across Denmark, ReD Associates sought to understand donations—what motivates people to give?
Harvard Business Review: Big Data Is Only Half the Data Marketers Need
Only by combining thick and big data can CMOs find real solutions to their strategic problems.
WSJ: The Power of Thick Data
At its core, all business is about making bets on human behavior. Companies that excel at making these bets tend to thrive.
HBR: An Anthropologist Walks into a Bar
A brewery’s story shows how “sensemaking” can facilitate transformations of product development, organizational culture, and corporate strategy.